
All players have the ability to wield a one-handed weapon, a sidearm, a buckler, and/or a bow/crossbow, and can wear light armor (see combat rules for further definition of these terms). The following are the unique abilities that each class possesses in addition to those listed above.


Warriors are individuals trained in armed conflict and combat. These fighters take the lead to engage physically with opponents and aid in the protection of the realm of Fayhaven and the opposition of their enemies.


Warriors can wear Medium and Heavy armor (see Armor section of combat rules).


Warriors can use any sized shield and are not limited to bucklers.

Two-Handed Weapons

Warriors can wield two-handed weapons greater than 40” in length.


Healers are individuals trained in apothecary and bodily restoration. These physicians take the lead to care for and physically remedy the injured and ill, for the longevity and ease of the people of Fayhaven.


Healers can restore PCs back to full health (does not include armor) by attending to them for 30 seconds, uninterrupted. Healers have the flexibility to roleplay this sequence immersively as they wish (with healing herbs, bandages, etc.). Healers are encouraged but not required to charge money for their services.


Healers can choose to take shifts at the Infirmary in town, where unconscious PCs are brought to be revived. Unconscious PCs are revived to full health after spending 10 minutes resting in the Infirmary and will pay the healers working there for their services.


Mages are individuals trained in the various arts of magic, both Wild and Arcane. These studious and learned individuals use spells and enchantments to both protect the people of Fayhaven and thwart their enemies.


Mages can learn and cast powerful spells with a wide range of effects. Mages must choose between learning Arcane Magic or Wild Magic. Both disciplines of magic contain their own unique spells.

Mage Staff

Mages can wield staves up to 80” in length (no blade).


Rogues are individuals trained in subterfuge and problem-solving. These sly folk use sleight of hand and their wits to engage with obstacles faced by the people of Fayhaven, and to connive means of undermining their enemies.

Lock Pick

Rogues carry keys by which they are uniquely able to open chests and locks found in the game.


Rogues can loot downed enemies and NPCs.


Rogues can wield two weapons up to 40” in length at the same time.