The World of Enon

Before the memory of any who yet live, Enon was divided into three realms. Elves, Dwarves, and Humans each established domains where their cultures flourished. A thousand years past, the Human Kingdom was a center of innovation and prosperity. It was ruled by a king, wise and just, but blinded to the growing threat posed by his own brother. Bolstered by forces of untold power, the king’s brother led an uprising in alliance with the Fae, setting in motion a terrible war. As the darkness closed around them, the king sent out envoys to all corners of Enon for aid.

Though Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, and Gnomes all answered the call, their forces failed to combat the onslaught of the enemy. As the forces claimed the heart of the kingdom, those remaining were forced to retreat to a small keep within the forest. In their last, desperate stand, a wise Human mage called together the surviving mages of the five peoples. In tandem, they cast a powerful incantation of protection over the land. This incantation shielded a sanctuary from the devastation of the enemy forces. It could not protect all of the Kingdom, however. The result of the war was a terrible enchantment, twisting a vast expanse of the land around the protected region into a sickly, darkened wood. This cursed forest became known as the Gristwood. A hostile and uninhabitable wasteland, the Gristwood grew thick with Orcs and other evil creatures.

Within the protected land, thereafter known as Fayhaven, a pocket of civilization has survived. Long after the memory of its creation has passed into story and song, the ancient wards still protect the peoples of Fayhaven. The Gristwood looms as a terrible reminder of the cost of their survival.