Halfling Costume Guide

Before attending Fayhaven, all garb, armor, weapons, and gear must be staff-approved. This can be done by sending in pictures via email (contact@fayhavenlarp.com). Pictures can be of the whole kit or of individual items. We encourage players to submit their plans for homemade or commissioned items before investing in them, to be sure that they match the garb requirements.

Aesthetic Influences

The Halflings are a people who love beauty and all things that grow, and their garments reflect this. Halfling clothing is often layered, and is strongly influenced by 18th century clothing. Light, blousy shirts and chemises, patterned waistcoats and stays, three-quarter trousers, petticoats and simple leather shoes are all staples. Halfling garments are typically short and wide, reflecting their stature. Many Halflings are farmers and work the land, and practical accessories such as aprons or straw hats are common sights. Halflings gravitate toward rustic, autumnal colors that reflect the earth. Breathable fabrics like linens are common, though well-to-do Halflings can be seen in more expensive fabrics, often in floral calico patterns or tartan. Among this people, ornamentation is often in the form of flowers, trim, and neckerchiefs. Halfling clothing can be viewed as 18th century underpinnings with a pastoral fantasy flair. For more aesthetic guidance and inspiration, check out our Halfling Pinterest board.

Pre-Approved Items

The links below are pre-approved items for the Halfling culture. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but should help provide some ideas as you begin to build your Halfling kit.