The Kingsguard

The Kingsguard are a collective of Humans following an ancient creed. Before the Rivening, the fall of the Human Kingdom of Campyria, the Human king maintained a personal guard of highly-skilled warriors. To honor the fallen king and the lost Campyria, a remnant of surviving Humans in the realm of Fayhaven keep the way of the Kingsguard. They swear to protect the last remaining Human lands, and hope to one day herald the restoration of a Human Kingdom.

This militia is operated by the Captain of the Kingsguard, who leads and trains the members of the Kingsguard, and is aided by a second-in-command, the Lieutenant of the Kingsguard. The Kingsguard uphold a stringent way of life, surviving on the charity of others and offering their lives for the protection of Fayhaven. Their livelihoods are made by donations of the community, which are pooled and divided evenly among them. These warriors protect all the peoples of Fayhaven indiscriminately from threats of harm, whether from bandits or the creatures of the Gristwood. 

The creed of the Kingsguard is taken after a period of initiation, in which the Captain and Lieutenant oversee the training of a potential recruit. This creed involves their swearing to protect the people of Fayhaven with their bodies and lives, a commitment to rigorous training and service under the Captain, and a lifestyle of cooperation with the other Kingsguard. The character of a Kingsguard must be humble, hardworking, and just. The Kingsguard view themselves as public servants, and use of their status for any sort of coercion or imposition would be antithetical to their creed. They must reject any kind of preferential treatment, and hold no governmental authority over the people they serve.

Kingsguard Kit

The Kingsguard wear a regimental uniform of matching green-and-ivory tabards over a base of neutral-colored clothing (brown, black, grey, beige). They also frequently wear leather and metal armor, often including helms, pauldrons, and breastplates. This uniform allows Kingsguard members to be easily identified. They often wear the sigil of the last Human king, King Gerant, which is a green kingfisher on an ivory field.

Players joining the Kingsguard must wear either the Halved Anton Tabard in green and cream or the Squared Anton Tabard in green and cream. If you have any difficulty obtaining one of these items, send us an email (

The approval process for the Kingsguard kit is separate from the regular approval process for a Human kit. Please specify in your submission for approval that your kit is for a Kingsguard character.