
Plentiful throughout the known world but often difficult to find, Gnomes traverse the forests and grasslands of Enon in ever-moving, close-knit tribes. Though they are, by nature, elusive and wary of other peoples, Gnomes are playful and easy-going amongst their own kind. Rather than working farms and cultivating crops, Gnomes are foragers and gather what they can find. Season to season, they wander in search of the choicest foods the wilderness has to offer. Gnomes rely upon one another within their communities to face the dangers of the wilderness.

  • Gnome society is disorganized, and the only real indicators of authority are age and experience. Elder Gnomes are esteemed by their communities and trusted to make decisions for their people. These decision are made in gatherings of the Elders in what is called an Elder Gnome Convocation. During these Convocations, Elders discuss the decision at length, while younger Gnomes patiently await their ruling. Most Gnomes are raised to be of the same mind about decisions they face in their travels, and so these Convocations are rarely needed to arrive at a consensus.

    Gnomes are consumers, and they believe in taking advantage of anything they come across- whether this be potential food, camouflage, or weaponry. They look out for their own and have a strong survival drive. Gnomes always travel in groups, and a lone Gnome is only ever the result of an unforgivable offense or crime. Crime within Gnome tribes is rare due to the close-knit culture of their people. Because they depend upon one another for survival, community is of utmost importance to the Gnomes’ way of life.

  • Gnomes believe that, on the first day of their existence, they woke yawning out of the moss and the dew of the wilderness. Hungry, the first Gnomes were broken into two groups- one wished to stay in their moss-beds, and the other wished to hunt for food. The Gnomes that remained in their beds eventually starved to death, and the Gnomes that wandered found a grove of sweet apple trees. When the trees ceased to produce, they moved again, and again, and again. Gnomes have since maintained a strict code of never settling in one place, but going wherever there is a bounty to enjoy. Like the river that flows and the vine that climbs, Gnomes know they must always move.

    Gnomes have a close relationship with nature and the changing of the seasons. Through their connection to all things wild and unpredictable, they are uniquely adept at apprehending and practicing Wild Magic. They believe Wild Magic to be the most natural and pure form of magic.

  • Gnomes keep few practical records of their people’s political or social histories. The stories that survive do so as oral histories, passed from generation to generation, changing from storyteller to storyteller. Few Gnomes read or write, but those who do generally use these skills to record information such as particularly cold winters, safe locations to hide, and good berries to eat. Few realize it, but Gnomes maintain some of the most elaborate and accurate nature almanacs of any known people.

    A common story told among Gnome communities - though the details vary - suggests that there was once a dire threat to the Human people. Many seasons ago, the Human King sent out a missive, seeking the aid of the Gnomes in their fight. The Elder Gnomes held a Convocation, in which they deemed the danger too great. One Elder stood in opposition to the decision, however, named Len.

    Len was a wise mage, but he chose to defect from the Gnome community. He took with him a small militia of young Gnomes to fight in the Humans’ war. The war was ultimately lost, and Len perished. This is told to young Gnomes as a cautionary tale against deviating from the ways of the Gnome community, and the doom of sedentary people such as the Humans. The gnomes that survived the conflict found themselves trapped in Fayhaven as the Gristwood grew up around them. They chafe against their confinement and are keen to uncover a way to safely escape or ultimately destroy the Gristwood.

  • Gnomes are a slight people, usually standing around 4’ tall. They are abnormally strong and fast for their diminutive size, and excel at escaping notice. On average, a Gnome will live to be up to 60 years old and reach physical maturity around the age of 16.

  • Mischievous - Gnomes have an innate sense of play and mischief, and they enjoy all kinds of practical jokes. In their own company, they like to jape and make light of their circumstances, often allowing troubles to roll off their backs.

    Adaptable - Gnomes are willing to do whatever it takes to survive, facing the many changing seasons of the world with resilience. Innately clever, Gnomes are good at problem-solving and utilizing new tools to deal with different scenarios.

  • Resilience - Gnomes aim to adapt to new situations and face surprises with their wits. They value those who are able to adapt to new situations, as they rely on such qualities to survive the many hardships of the wilderness.

    Experience - Gnomes esteem their elders and those with more life experience. They defer to their elders in the majority of life’s decisions.

    Humor - Gnomes appreciate wit and humor, and like to engage in japes and tomfoolery of all kinds. They are amused by wordplay and well-conceived jokes.

  • Gnome names tend to be short and easy to recall. Players can take inspiration from nature terms and Slavic names when naming their Gnome character.

If you are interested in playing a Gnome character, review the costume guide.

For more Gnome inspiration, check out our Pinterest!

Check out our Gnome themed Spotify playlist!