
  • Halflings naturally avoid politics, preferring to gain renown for having excellent gardens, cozy hovels, large families, and respectable habits. Halflings reproduce quickly and often have large families with many children. As young Halflings are more prone to mischief, Halfling society is organized primarily by age, with older Halflings having more sway in community discussions.

    The only formally recognized positions in Halfling society are those of mayor and bailiff. Mayors are usually respected individuals who are elected for a life-term, and bailiffs are selected by the borrough to serve terms of five years at a time. Mayors make decisions that would affect the borrough at large, while bailiffs deal with smaller squabbles and the occasional crime. Because Halflings are a collectivist culture, crime is rare, and public officials generally have little to do; therefore, official positions are not highly sought-after and are often viewed as a distraction from more enjoyable pursuits.

  • Halflings believe, to the best of their knowledge, that they have existed in their current societies since the beginning of time. Most are too lazy to look deeply enough into their genealogies to challenge the presumption. They believe that they were made by the Creator, along with the other races, at one time or another, and have since been living in their Halfling hovels and enjoying their lives without change or trouble.

  • There are no Halfling kingdoms. Instead, communities of Halflings are scattered broadly among the kingdoms of Dwarves and Elves, often settled in otherwise uninhabited regions where they remain unbothered by the strife of other cultures. Halfling histories keep elaborate records of genealogies, weddings, droughts, and harvests, but tend to leave less room for wars or politics. In fact, as far as can be told in Halfling records, they have lived much the same for all of their history and do not reckon where their culture first emerged from.

    The Halflings of Fayhaven descend from three primary families: the Balriggins, the Hockharrows, and the Rosewaters. They have lived in and cultivated the land of Fayhaven for 1,000 years, since its inception. At the beginning of Fayhaven’s history, a battle against a terrible army was fought by the Humans of a now-lost kingdom. From among the many Halfling communities across Enon, members of only these three families answered the call for aid. When the terrible land of the Gristwood was formed, they stayed put in the safe and fertile region of Fayhaven, thus beginning a new Halfling colony. They have since been largely separated from the Halfling communities beyond the Gristwood, but remain content through their farming, husbandry, and trade.

  • Halflings are small in size, standing around 3.5’ tall at maturity. Adulthood is reached at the age of 27 years, and a natural life expectancy is roughly 115 years. Halflings are not particularly strong for their size, but are resilient against injury. They have pointed, leaf-shaped ears.

  • Steadfast - Halflings are not changeable, and are loyal to the people and causes they have chosen. They form close friendships and family units, which they have been known to defend when necessary.

    Indulgent - Halflings seek comfort and pleasure in many forms, whether through food, music, or natural beauty. They are known to enjoy many meals throughout their day and are always looking for an excuse to celebrate.

    Hardworking (selectively) - Halflings take pleasure in a job well done, and particularly one that will not need to be performed more than once. They cleverly innovate many methods of husbandry, as a result of their deep-seated desire to lead easier lives.

  • Contentment - Halflings believe in taking pleasure in their lot. They prefer for things to remain the same and resist flights of fancy.

    Plenty - To satisfy the Halfling’s innate desire for comfort, they seek to create plenty for themselves and their communities. This is not driven by any sense of ambition or desire for power— these concepts are foreign to Halflings.

    Community - Halflings believe in building strong bonds between themselves that dictate their behavior and cause them to look out for one another.

    Reputation - Halflings care deeply about the opinions of other Halflings and strive to be well-regarded among their insular and provincial communities.

  • Plant and nature names are popular among Halflings, and many choose to keep diminutive nicknames that are shortened versions of their given names. Surnames are often inspired by geographical place names, such as the burrow that a specific Halfling family hails from.

    To name their Halfling characters, players can take inspiration from plants, nature, and Cornish names.

Halflings are simple folk who gather in tightly-knit farming communities, maintaining agrarian lifestyles based on the pursuit of community and comfort. They live in borroughs, which are densely-populated settlements of Halfling dwellings, called hovels, that are usually surrounded by fertile farmland. They care for food, growing things, and fostering neighborly relationships with one another. Halflings are not naturally warlike, but they have been known to take up arms with great ferocity when their lives and homes are threatened.

If you are interested in playing a Halfling character, review the costume guide.

For more Halfling inspiration, check out our Pinterest!

Check out our Halfling themed Spotify playlist!