
Humans are a rare people, once occupying a large swathe of Enon in a kingdom known as Campyria. They have since become scarce, after a catastrophe known as the Rivening nearly destroyed their people. The few predominantly Human towns that remain do so in the lands of other peoples, such as the Elves or the Dwarves. These last straggling Humans struggle to maintain a semblance of society, taking up farming and trade to feed their families, and adapting to new environments where they can. Above all, the remaining Humans strive for survival, determined not to see their candle snuffed by the winds of fate.

  • Humans do not have Kings or Queens any longer. While they once answered to a King, the collapse of their kingdom and decimation of their people has - perhaps permanently - altered the structure of Human society. The Human Kingdom of Campyria fell 1,000 years ago, and memory of it has faded with time. What remains of it is an uninhabitable, hostile forest called the Gristwood.

    Since the Rivening, the largest population of surviving Humans has occupied a protected realm in the heart of the Gristwood known as Fayhaven. There, they answer to a Human Mayor, who is elected for a life-term. Throughout the rest of Enon, Humans occupy a few towns, usually bordering their former lands. These Humans answer to whatever local authority exists in each town, be it Elf or Dwarf. Many dream of a future in which they may once again see the crowning of a Human King.

  • Humans believe that they were formed last of all the peoples of Enon. They believe that, seeing the stringent and unchanging nature of the other peoples, the Creator knew that there would need to be a people who could survive the changing tides of the world- one that would stand the test of time. The Creator took clay and formed the Humans. He filled their lungs with a gust of the East wind, instilling in them a life of hunger and ambition.

    Humans spread to many places in Enon, but their own Kingdom of Campyria was among the most advanced and beautiful seen since the dawning of time. They were a center of trade an innovation for the rest of the continent. This Human world has now passed.

    A number of surviving Humans honor their past and prepare for their future by keeping an ancient creed. Centuries ago, the personal guard of the last Human King wore standards of green and ivory. Today, a small collective of skilled warriors wear these colors still. They are known as the Kingsguard. A force dedicated to honoring and safeguarding their lost culture, the Kingsguard live within the fold of Fayhaven, the last remaining inhabitable lands of what was once Campyria. They protect and serve, ensuring that the darkness of the Gristwood is never able to encroach on this last bastion of Human society.

  • For many thousands of years, Humans lived under the rule of a Human King in a realm of their own, the Kingdom of Campyria. Human knowledge of this time has been largely lost. The last of these Human Kings was King Gerant, the Lord of the Golden Tower. A thousand years ago, King Gerant’s brother made a pact with a people once believed to not inhabit the known world- the Fae. Bolstered by Fae magic and forces of unknown power, the King’s brother led a revolt against his reign. What followed was a bloody and devastating war that threatened to destroy the Human lands. In his great need, King Gerant sent missives to all the peoples of the world for aid to fight this encroaching darkness.

    Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, and Gnomes all answered the Human King’s call for aid in this terrible turmoil. At the culmination of the conflict, as the Fae army reached the heart of the Human kingdom, the surviving forces retreated to a keep in the forest. A powerful Human mage called together the surviving mages of the five peoples to cast an incantation of protection over the land. This unequaled incantation created a realm that was safe from the devastation of the Fae forces. It could not protect all of the Kingdom, however. The Fae onslaught wrought a terrible enchantment, oppressing the leagues surrounding the protected realm with a sickly, darkened wood, which became known as the Gristwood. It grew thick with Orcs- an uninhabitable and untraversable wilderness.

    A number of Humans survived within the warded lands, thereafter called Fayhaven. Much of the lore on its origin has been lost to time, and the Human mage who inspired its creation never recorded his incantation. The Humans beyond the borders of the Gristwood lived on in small villages and towns in the surrounding Dwarven and Elven realms. They took work where it was available, but the trauma of the loss of hundreds of thousands of their people and their homeland wrought terrible effects on the remaining Humans. Their society having collapsed and their culture obliterated, the Humans survived at a terrible cost.

  • Humans stand generally between 5’ and 6’ tall, and their bodies are adaptable to many different conditions and terrains. They often live to around 80 years of age, and physically mature at the age of 20. They are difficult to eradicate, as their bodies and minds will learn to survive almost any environment.

  • Adaptable - Humans are able to adjust to their environments and survive even under the most unlikely circumstances. They adapt well to change and have been seen to persevere even against great odds.

    Courageous - Humans show bravery even in dire circumstances and are known for their daring. They are forced to quench fear within themselves in order to face the reality of their existence.

    Innovative - Humans are creative in their crafts and are adept at finding new ways to prolong their people’s survival. They have an unquenchable drive to survive and maintain their way of life.

  • Kinship - Humans take great care with the relationships they establish, as so few of them remain.

    Freedom - Humans see the ability to live freely and without tyranny as one of the highest achievements.

    Responsibility - Humans believe that they are accountable for their own behavior and actions, and among their people it is a highly esteemed act to fulfill one’s obligations.

    Wit - Though often perceived as grim, Humans are known to face dire situations - including extinction - with an indomitable sense of humor.

  • Humans are given a primary name at birth and often carry a family surname, which may be inspired by a place of origin or family occupation. Players can take inspiration from Celtic and English medieval style names when naming their Human character.

If you are interested in playing a Human character, review the costume guide.

For more information on the Kingsguard, click below!

For more Human inspiration, check out our Pinterest!

Check out our Human themed Spotify playlist!